Biotechnological activities in the hunting lands are an important and crucial factor for hunting entity and its efficiency. As a complex of different agricultural works aimed at improving the living conditions, increasing of animal populations, biotechnological activities help to enhance animal feed resources, improve the welfare of rearers in reproduction areas, territory managing of animals and reduce the damage caused to forestry and farming.
TOV SMH STOHID extensively works at the implementation of the necessary conservation and biological activities within our hunting lands. At the present time, more than 20 % of the hunting lands territory are devoted to the reproduction areas, we place salt licks and create special feeding areas – artificial feeding stations.
As you know, wild animals migration routes depend upon feed quantity and quality year-round. While it’s enough of habitat plantings for most of wildlife species during spring, summer and autumn, winter feeding is mostly inevitable. In order to enhance animal feed resources, more than 30 hectares of hunting lands have been tillaged for spring planting of grain-crops - oats and corn. Moreover, we have purchased necessary agricultural equipment and implement.
In such a way, we regard participation in creation and enhancement of animal feed resources on hunting lands as a duty of every hunter.